Landscaping Around Deck: Step-by-Step Design and Planting Tips

Discover practical tips on how to transform the space around your deck into a thriving, inviting landscape that complements your outdoor living area.

Key takeaways:

  • Choose plants that complement your deck and require minimal maintenance.
  • Decide on the width, shape, and material for your deck border.
  • Install border edging to keep your plant beds in check.
  • Add a layer of mulch to retain moisture and prevent weeds.
  • Illuminate your landscape with strategic lighting to create a magical ambiance.

Choose Your Plants

choose your plants

Selecting the right greenery for your deck area is like picking the cast for a play—each plant should have a purpose and complement the overall setting. Consider the following points to guide your selection:

– Think about maintenance. If you’re a busy bee, opt for drought-resistant species or hardy perennials that require minimal care.

– Seek harmony with your home’s exterior. Choose colors and textures that create a seamless transition from your deck to the surrounding landscape.

– Mind the sunlight. Does your deck bask in full sun, or is it a haven of shade? Pick plants that thrive in the amount of light your space offers.

– Be aware of growth habits. Some plants like to spread their roots or branches, potentially damaging your deck structure. Look for non-invasive options.

– Play with heights. Combine low-growing groundcovers with taller shrubs or ornamental grasses for a dynamic, layered look.

Remember, plants are the living decor that can add that wow factor to your outdoor space. Choose wisely, and they’ll put on a show you’ll enjoy season after season.

Determine the Border

Setting the stage for your deck with the right border can make all the difference. Picture this: a seamless transition from your stunning deck to the natural beauty of your garden. To achieve this, you’ll need to decide where your garden ends and your deck begins. Think of it as drawing a line in the sand—or in this case, your yard.

Start with size: How wide do you want your border? A generous width can make a bold statement, but even a narrow strip can frame your deck nicely. Next, consider the shape. Do you fancy flowing curves or do you vibe more with the clean lines of a geometric pattern? Both can work wonders.

Materials matter, too. Will you opt for natural stone to give it that enchanted garden feel, or are you thinking of something more modern like metal or plastic edging? The choice sets the tone for your entire landscape. Remember, the border is not just a visual treat; it also serves the practical purpose of keeping your plant beds in check. So, it’s not just about looking pretty; it’s about creating order in your outdoor oasis.

Install Border Edging

When diving into your garden edging adventure, consider it the frame that showcases your artistic plant arrangement. It’s like giving a crisp edge to a freshly painted canvas. Edging doesn’t just look great, it also serves a practical purpose by halting the invasion of lawn grass into your flower beds.

Kick things off by choosing materials that complement your deck and overall aesthetic. Wood edging oozes a natural vibe and is as cozy as a woolen sweater on a chilly evening. Stone or brick provides a more classic touch, similar to that timeless little black dress. For those keen on modern simplicity, metal or plastic edging works like a charm – think of it as the sleek, new smartphone that fits perfectly into your life.

Once you’ve selected your materials, it’s time for the fun part—laying them down. Imagine you’re tucking your plants into bed, snug and secure, as you nestle the edging firmly in the ground. It’s vital to ensure it’s deep enough to thwart those grassy invaders, yet not so deep as to look like you’re preparing miniature trenches for a garden war.

A quick pro tip to save your back from aching like the day after a heavy gym session: use a flat shovel to slice into the soil effortlessly. Create a trench, position your edging material and voilà, you’re on your way to a well-defined, more compelling garden view that makes your deck the ultimate stage for outdoor living.

Add a Layer of Mulch

Adding mulch around your deck not only spruces up the appearance but it’s a practical move, too. Think of it as a cozy blanket for your plants—it helps retain moisture in the soil, which is a thumbs up for hydration, and it keeps those pesky weeds at bay. When spreading mulch, aim for a layer that’s about 2-3 inches thick; this is the sweet spot for maximum benefit without overdoing it.

Choose organic mulches like wood chips or bark because they break down over time, feeding your soil with nutrients as they decompose. But if you’re after less maintenance, inorganic options such as river rock or gravel can look sharp and reduce the number of times you grab that rake.

Remember, though, mulch does fade and deteriorate, so you’ll need to replace or refresh it yearly. One last pro tip: keep mulch a safe distance from your deck’s structure to avoid moisture damage. It’s like avoiding splash zones at a water park – a little distance can keep you dry and maintain the integrity of your deck.

Illuminate Your Landscape

As the sun takes a bow and night falls, the magic doesn’t have to fade. Use lighting to breathe life into your deck area even after dark. A dance of lights not only showcases your botanical efforts but can also ensure safety, guiding footsteps on meandering pathways.

Picture low-voltage LED lights tucked among flower beds, casting a gentle glow on your prized blooms. String lights can drape above in a playful display, creating a starry ambiance. Consider solar-powered stake lights along borders for an eco-friendly twinkle that charges by day and delights by night.

Each light fixture is a brushstroke in your garden masterpiece. Post lanterns add a formal touch around the deck perimeter. Meanwhile, spotlights draw the eye to unique trees or water features, turning them into nighttime focal points.

Remember, a light touch is often best. Too many lights may overwhelm, so strive for balance. A well-lit deck can transform evenings into an enchanting escape—the perfect backdrop for quiet reflections or lively gatherings.





